
Adolescents (13+)

The teenage years can be a difficult time for both the young person and their parents, due to intense physiological and psychological changes. Communication can dramatically reduce and as a result both parties can feel stuck. We are able to work with feelings of low self-worth, obsessive thoughts and behaviours, the onset of eating disorders and self-harming. There are a myriad of ways that adolescents can demonstrate that they are struggling and it is our passion to help young people discover, perhaps for the first time, a true sense of who they are.

Usually, as a result, we can assist them to develop skills and coping strategies for the future. It is important to note that a young person needs to want to take the first step towards change in order for a therapeutic relationship to work. Sometimes whilst waiting for this to happen, parents can find it helpful to have support. Please see the section for Parents for further information.